How To Tell If Noise In Roof Is From Rat Or Possum

How To Tell If Noise In Roof Is From Rat Or Possum

Do you hear noise coming from your roof? Are you wondering if it is from a rat or a possum? Noise on the roof can be quite alarming and it is important to figure out whether the noise is from a rat or a possum. We will discuss how to tell if the noise in the roof is from a rat or possum and steps for Humane Possum Removal Adelaide.

Noise In Roof Is From Rat Or Possum

What Are The Signs Of A Rat On The Roof?

  • If you suspect that you have rats on the roof, there are some clear signs you can look out for. The most obvious sign is the noise they make. Rats are active at night and make a variety of noises, including squeaking, scratching, and even gnawing. You may also hear rustling and scurrying as they move around on the roof.
  • Another sign of rats in the roof is the presence of rat droppings. Rat droppings are small and dark and may be found near the entry points to the roof. You may also find holes gnawed into boxes, food wrappers, or other materials in the roof space.

What Are The Signs Of A Possum In The Roof? 

  • Possums are larger than rats and are active at night. As a result, they may make more noise than rats when they move around on the roof. Possums make a variety of noises, including grunts, screeches, and hisses. 
  • They may also make a thumping sound as they move around. Possums also leave behind droppings. Possum droppings are larger than rat droppings and may have a distinct smell. You may also find evidence of possums in the roof if you see scratch marks or shredded materials. 

How To Determine If The Noise Is From A Rat Or Possum?

If you suspect that you have either a rat or a possum on the roof, it can be difficult to determine which one is the culprit. The best way to tell the difference is to see the animal. This can be difficult, however, since rats and possums are nocturnal and may be difficult to spot during the day.

If you are unable to see the animal, there are other ways to tell the difference. For instance, rats typically make higher-pitched noises than possums. Possums also tend to make more of a thumping sound when they move around. How to Get Rid of the Rat or Possum Once you have determined whether the noise in the roof is coming from a rat or a possum, you can take steps to possum removal from backyard or roof.

For rats, the most effective way to get rid of them is to use traps. You can also use poison, but this is not recommended as it can be dangerous for other animals and humans. For possums, the best way to get rid of them is to use a humane trap. This trap will not harm the possum and will allow you to safely relocate the animal away from your home. Be sure to check with your local wildlife authority to find out what the regulations are for trapping and relocating possums. 


Noise on the roof can be alarming, but it is important to figure out whether the noise is from a rat or a possum. Rats and possums have different signs, such as droppings and the noises they make. You can also try to see the animal on the roof, but this may be difficult since they are active at night. If you do determine that you have a rat or possum on the roof, there are steps you can take for Humane Possum Removal Adelaide.